Nov. 22, 2019

Jeff Howard
From the Principal's Computer
Giving Thanks

As we close the building for the next week in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to say, as clearly as I can, THANK YOU to all of you for entrusting your students to us. We are humbled to be able to serve your students and conscious of the responsibility it is to do so. As we all go through our days next week leading up to Thursday’s celebrations, please know that we know how lucky we are to have your students with us! 

This past Wednesday, the administration and president’s staff served lunch to the students, faculty and staff in the Rilko. This is a wonderful tradition and one that says so much about who we are as a community. I am grateful to Dr. Cardenas for continuing this special day, grateful to the guests who joined us, and grateful to be a part of the special place that is Mullen High School.

Extended Absences
If your child will be absent four or more days in a row, please be sure to contact Dr. Porter for the application. Students can obtain an application from her office or she can be emailed at  Applications should be requested well in advance of the potential absences. Please note, if the absence is for medical reasons, please initiate that  correspondence with the appropriate counselor.
Furious Finish
When we return from Thanksgiving Break, we will have only thirteen days of class before Christmas Break. As I have been planning my class, I feel this short time in a way that, perhaps, I did not last year… it will be a whirlwind, for sure. Hopefully the weather cooperates with us, and we get all those days in! 

A Prayer of Gratefulness
I will be thinking about you and your students next Thursday, and I would like to conclude by offering this prayer I shared with the faculty this week:

Gracious God, in the busy-ness of my day, I sometimes forget to stop to thank you for all that is good in my life. My blessings are many and my heart is filled with gratitude for the gift of living, for the ability to love and be loved, for the opportunity to see the everyday wonders of creation, for sleep and water, for a mind that thinks and a body that feels. I thank you, too, for those things in my life that are less than I would hope them to be - things that seem challenging, unfair, or difficult. When my heart feels stretched and empty, and pools of tears form in my weary eyes, still I rejoice that you are as near to me as my next breath and that in the midst of turbulence, I am growing and learning. In the silence of my soul, I thank you most of all for your unconditional and eternal love. Amen

Have wonderful Thanksgivings!