March 11 | COVID-19

As we continue our shared Lenten journey, faced with the seemingly ever-changing challenges of the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19), we begin this update in a spirit of faith and prayer, confident in our association within our Lasallian community. Know that we pray with you and for you.
The health and safety of all of our students continues to be our first priority in the wake of the evolving situation around COVID-19 in Colorado. We encourage everyone in our school community to continue to take note of facts and not to panic, but to take appropriate precautions. With Spring Break next week, we provide you this update on our response to COVID-19.  This same communication has been disseminated to faculty and staff in addition to parents. 
Mullen High School is taking every reasonable precaution we can to keep our students and families safe. Beginning on Monday, March 16, the first day of Spring Break while campus is closed, Steri-Clean, a third party organization, will begin a full sanitation of the school, cleaning the highly populated areas of our buildings. Our facilities team will be moving ahead of Steri-Clean to clean each room. This includes bathrooms, classrooms, hallways and doors. Walls will be sanitized up to five feet high. In the gym and weight room, a chlorine dioxide solution will be used. For the sanitization of the rest of the campus, Steri-Clean will use a botanical disinfectant.  Campus will remain closed throughout Spring Break to prevent contamination. 
If there is confirmed exposure to or a confirmed case of COVID-19 in our community, Mullen High School will follow state and CDC’s guidelines. We urge you to take precautions, know the symptoms and stay home if you or your family members are sick or have been potentially exposed to the virus. If your doctor recommends a student or a close family member to be tested for COVID-19, please notify the school by contacting or an administrator with the assurance of confidentiality. Safe to Tell is another option to notify the school and remain anonymous. We will involve the State Health Department as we are required.
Please be aware of the travel updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is clear that travel potentially puts individuals more at risk.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed face to face or by contaminated surfaces. However, as a reminder, the CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of diseases.
We will keep you informed on Mullen High School’s response to COVID-19. Please know that federal and state policies and procedures around the virus are constantly evolving and changing. To stay informed, please follow the updates as provided by Colorado Governor Jared Polis for the state of Colorado. Thank you for your willingness to read this information and to potentially adapt to more changes. We truly wish you all a happy and blessed Spring Break! 
Thank you,
Raul Cardenas, Jr., Ph.D. 
President and Chief Executive Officer
Jeffrey M. Howard, MA
Principal and Chief Academic Officer
Mullen High School 3601 S. Lowell Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80236
Phone: 303.761.1764  |  Fax: 303.761.0502  